The Charge of Genocide

Darryl Li Originally published in Dissent (1/18/2024) Over the past three months, the charge that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip has gone from a protest chant to a formal hearing before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague. We are experiencing a major upheaval in debates over the language of… Continue reading The Charge of Genocide

Witnessing Genocide

Alireza Doostdar Originally published on Sightings (1/11/2024) Wael Dahdouh stood on a rooftop in Gaza, facing the camera. Behind him, black smoke billowed in a thick column from a distant bomb site, stretching out horizontally and blending with dust and smoke from other explosions. He was wearing his familiar uniform, a blue helmet and vest… Continue reading Witnessing Genocide

The Chicago Bastion of Free Expression is… Not So Free

Over the past several years, the University of Chicago has built a national reputation as the bastion of free speech and political neutrality in higher education. Its “Chicago Principles,” establishing the central importance of freedom of expression, not only govern activities on our own campus, but also serve as a blueprint for conduct in over… Continue reading The Chicago Bastion of Free Expression is… Not So Free

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Press Release

** If you are interested in joining FJP @UChicago, please fill out this form ** UChicago faculty members form chapter of Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) (Chicago, IL—1/12/2024) On December 4, a group of faculty at the University of Chicago voted unanimously to form a Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) chapter. The faculty… Continue reading Press Release

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